

Friday 1 July 2016



The players file to the dressing room. There is fanfare, celebration, disappointment, discussions, hope  and more, as the observers await the return of the players. In the dressing room, the mood is different. there is reflection, retrospection, after which they re strategize.

The year has gotten to the halfway mark. As a player in the game called life, it is time to review. "Has my game plan been working?" Not always I think. "What about all those goals I wrote down in January?" I begin to search for the crossed out goals that signifies achievement. For a moment, I get discouraged but as i reviewed the 'WHYs' of some goals, I realized there were some goals I achieved that were not even part of the 2016 plan. Sometime, somehow in my journey these past six months, I had improvised, taken another part and in some instances surpassed the initial goal.

2016 has another 6 months to go. We can't continue to beat ourselves about the past First half. It's time to try new tactics, change the game plan and work towards achieving the goals we need to excel.
Get out there! Your observers are waiting. Some are hopeful and ready to cheer you on. Some are waiting to see your outcome. Ultimately, the game is yours, Give it all you've got!

To our Success I Cheer!!!

Monday 22 February 2016

The Samaritan Spirit


The parable of the good samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) is a bible story familiar to many christians. The parable was an answer to a question on what we must do to inherit eternal life. Don't worry, I am not preaching. It is worthy to note here though that the samaritans were considered outcasts, rejected by their jewish siblings for their unbelief in the doctrines. Despite this state, the times Jesus mentioned them, they were capable of gratitude and kindness towards their fellow man.

What am I getting at here you ask? Despite the situation we find ourselves, we are all capable of extending a helping hand. We are all capable of expressing gratitude. Many times though, we refuse to do these, denying ourselves of God's favour. I can't help but wonder about Olajumoke Orisaguna, the bread seller turned model sensation, (We all know the story there is no need to rehash it and if you don't, all you need to do is type in the name in google search). I keep thinking;

 'What if Tybello had simply asked her to leave the set?'

 'What if after editing the images, Tybello hadn't considered how pretty she looked in front of the lens?'

'What if  no one had raised the question, if she was a model?'

 'What if Tybello had chosen not to search for the mystery bread seller model?'

All these possibilities could happen because the power of decision laid with Tybello and she chose to help. She chose to extend a helping hand along with others, to bring a beauty in obscurity to limelight and the experience of stardom. How in your own little way are you extending a helping hand? How are you showing gratitude to God for the blessings he daily showers on you?

Tuesday 2 February 2016

You are Your Creativity!

How many times have you seen an image, a design, an artwork... and think 'How creative the individual is No, wish I could do such an amazing work'. How many times have we looked at famous individuals and wondered when we'll receive such accolades?
In my journey as a photographer and content writer, I have come to the saving knowledge that all the creativity we are searching for is in us. all we need to do is harness it. It doesn't end there. there is also the willingness to do the work involved in bringing forth this creativity. God said 'let us make mankind in our own image, in our likeness..' (Genesis 1:26). Before then, God had been creating! If we have been created by God in His image and likeness, then we have His ability to create. To be a likeness of someone or something is to exhibit traits of that person or something. We, also have to create. 

Each day God created, there was an advancement in the creation. It's the same process we must also undertake. Our first creation may seem simple enough but as we continue to create, our creations grow in complexity and our mind open to the possibilities. 

American professional basketball player, Kevin Durant said; 

'Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard'

It is not enough to know we can do it. We must act and when we get stuck, it is all the work we have put in and are still willing to invest, that will inspire us to success. Remember the 10000 hours rule? It claims that the key to achieving world class expertise in any skill is to a large extent, a matter of practicing that skill the correct way for 10,000 hours which can be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years. A week has 168 hours. A year has 8760 hours, Imagine the possibilities we can accomplish within a year. It's all up to us.

At the Beginning,

Feeding Piglets, National Theatre, 2014

Nike Sneakers, National Stadium, 2014

Today, here I am...

At the suspended lake, Ado Awaye, Oyo State, 2015

House Interior Photoshoot, Lagos, 2015

Yours truly using a phone and ambient light from the window

 Chandeliers, Radisson Blu, Lagos, 2015

We only use 10% of our brain's capacity. Really? I am sure we can expand this if we so desire. The possibilities around us are endless. Are you willing to work your creativity?

Wednesday 27 January 2016



When we think of Spring, our mind immediately reflects on rebirth, a rejuvenation, a renewal, regrowth or even a coming alive. Spring can also connote a coming forth. Generally it is a time of bloom. A time to flourish. My Spring has arrived.

I started this blog in March 2014 with very high hopes of documenting the things I discover in my journey through life. Soon, I became distressed at the lack of time to write and gave up. I forgot my 'WHY'. I stopped writing entirely after this and focused on other aspects of my life for over a year. The things I discovered over the past year, I refused to write about. I was my own obstacle course. As I write this, mental excuses why I shouldn't start are running through my head and I am here telling myself, 'Isn't your 'why' important?'

Our motivation to continue what we are doing is the 'WHY' we started in the first place. It is the push (for some people, the shove) that got us to start. It is what keeps us going in the face of discouragement and obstacles. We can only 'Spring Forth' after facing obstacles. Springtime comes after winter (plants die and the landscape becomes seemingly bleak yet when the time come, beauty rises).  

The economic forecast may seem like winter now but, spring is coming. Your business may  seem as if it is an aquifer now but one day you will burst forth and experience a rushing like never before. All we need to do is focus on our WHY.

I wish you the best of 2016 as you spring forth, flourishing in all areas of your life.